This is my PGP public key: papul_riseup.asc
pub 3072D/60EF0FD7 2013-07-18 [expires: 2018-07-17]
Key fingerprint = EC3A 17F4 798E 1020 AB1D C99F E882 3203 60EF 0FD7
uid Madhurya Kakati (papul) <>
sub 3072g/26336787 2013-07-18 [expires: 2018-07-17]
OTR fingerprint will be added later.
SIP numeric: 889435831
Skype ID: papul1993
NOTE: I will only read encrypted online communication from unknown people. All unencrypted attempts to communicate with me will be ignored. So, please encrypt (and sign) your emails to me using my PGP key and encrypt IM chats using OTR.
Guides on Encryption
Here is good and easy to follow guide on how to setup OTR on your computer(Linux/Windows): Secure Instant Messaging with OTR
You can also use the following OTR supporting IM clients for other platforms/devices:
- Gibberbot for Android
- Chatsecure for iOS
- Audium for OSX
As for sending me encrypted emails, here is an article that explains some of the key concepts of encrypted email: Encrypting your email
Here is a short tutorial on how to use OpenPGP (also known as GnuPG or GPG) on your computer: Primer on using OpenPGP keys
And finally a tutorial on how to use Thunderbird to encrypt emails using the keys you generated by following the steps in the above tutorial: Encrypting email with Thunderbird
I hope the following tutorials will help you setup your computer/phone to securely communicate with me and others.